ReDesigning Your Website, Things You Should Consider!

Your website not simply creates your online presence, but also acts as a powerful marketing tool – it’s like electronic business card or an online brochure that displays the products and services you have to offer. It is also a brand, an ad, a catalog and a sales pitch, all these functions are decisive to safeguard brand recognition and business success. Redesigning a website can make it more attractive to visitors, and consumer friendly as well.

To create a good first impression on a visitor, the design of your website, and its content, are enormously important. Take a good look at your website and consider whether it has all the functions needed for a good website. If you feel some changes should be made, you need to redesign your website.

Here are some things to think when redesigning:

Classify what needs to change

Check out what about your website design should be kept as it is, and what needs to change. Analytics can help you assess what your visitors like and what they don’t. Remove or alter what is not working. Analytics can play a huge role in helping you see which pages are not being visited, and which CTAs are not being clicked by visitors.

Predefined Goals

Redesigning your website is a whole project, so set clear goals, like its looks, SEO friendliness, marketing functionality, and what exactly you want. Rather than adding loads of visual and complex features that may create problems, stick to simple codes and seamless functionality, which will help in quick loading time and ease of use.

Target Specific Audience

Do your homework and know your audience well, what do they like, what generic and long-tail keywords do they use to search, which social platform do they prefer, their age group, professions, geo-location, and so on. Creating a buyer persona will meaningfully help you in your website redesigning project.

Do Checkout Your Competitor?

Learning from your rivals or competitors mistakes is always a smart move. It’s always better to understand what your rivals are doing, and what works for them and notice both the negatives and the positives. Look at their site as a customer and compare your site with that, this might give you fresh perspective and help you redefine goals for the revamping.

Refurbish your Content Strategy

An effective website needs a great user-friendly design and unique content; redesigning is the right time to reconsider your content strategy. Remove or hide old blogs that have lost significance, or update or improve them, and re-post them to get new readers. Analyze what content is doing well and save it as a prototype for the future content.

SEO friendliness

Purpose of redesigning your website is to revamp your online marketing efforts, so that your site gets discovered by google and potential customers. This is where Search Engine Optimization comes in play. Some ways to optimize your site are ensuring proper metadata to the content and its pages, using relevant and optimized keywords, optimizing the images, minimizing the loading time of the website and making sure the website is responsive at all platforms.

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